
SEO Campaign

Increase website ranking on search engines

Increase visits to your website and get qualified users by improving the ranking on Google. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) allows to index all web pages. SMO (Social Media Optimisation) is a SEO technique that acts on social media pages to improve ranking in search engine’s results.

Google Adwords

Consultancy on Adwords advertising                           

Google advertising campaigns are terrific weapons at disposal of online marketing. Adwords system provides the chance to publish adverts on Google and its network of partners. Adwords’ ads are very effective and usually represent a large slice of the entire digital advertising budget.

PPC – pay per click

Paid search and advertising banners                           

Besides Google Adwords there are many types of online advertising. Pay Per Click campaigns are based on a Cost Per Click payment model. The best results get achieved by an advertising mix tailored to company’s characteristics, needs and digital budget.

Social Media Marketing

Social Network strategies and Viral Marketing

Social channels are spaces where businesses can promote their services and manage relationships with customers. Social networks meet at the intersection between content marketing, SEO, viral marketing and digital advertising. Leverage socials to propagate brand value.

eCommerce websites

eShop Marketing to boost online sales                      

Online shops can exploit many marketing strategies to advertise their products and increase valuable traffic to the website. A bigger amount of quality visits boost sales and foster the remarketing strategy. Ecommerce websites need an intelligent team work and an ongoing fine tuning.

Remarketing & Retargeting

Online advertising to recapture website visitors and customers

Show advertisments to loyalise your customers or to convert simple visitors into clients. Follow users on other websites showing up with discounts, coupons and targeted banners. Design ads according to different persona categories. Retarget visitors and remarket customers.

Website Usability

Web accessibility and usability analysis                                            

Design, architettura delle informazioni, interfaccia utente, facilità d’uso: il marketing online senza l’ottimizzazione di questi aspetti gira a vuoto. L’analisi di accessibilità dovrebbe sempre precedere il discorso sulle strategie di marketing. Analizza i comportamenti di navigazione per calibrare meglio la comunicazione.

Google Analytics

Traffic data monitoring and analysis                                 

La raccolta di statistiche sulle visite al sito e l’analisi dei dati di monitoraggio sono determinanti per migliorare il web marketing. Anche l’ottimizzazione SEO beneficia delle informazioni estrapolate dall’analisi dei dati. Per il tuo sito configura Google Analytics e Google Webmaster Tools, i costi sono davvero modesti.

SEM Campaign

Online Marketing planned for search engines

L’accesso alle informazioni su internet è filtrato da Google e altri motori. Le campagne SEM di marketing online includono tutte le strategie che fanno leva sui motori di ricerca per promuovere i brand e pubblicizzare i siti web. L’ottimizzazione SEO e SMO, il link building e gli annunci su Google sono tecniche SEM.

Content Marketing

Make your contents rank well and go viral

Web competition is strong, more and more players take the field producing discourses. In order to stand out from the competitors is needed an investment in time and creativity. Valuable SEO optimised content can be turned into viral marketing highlighting the brand image.

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